Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Hubby and Daughtey

I'm baaaack! Today I decided to dig up this old blog... just getting back into this whole thing... kids have grown and I am still married to the same man (rolls eyes)... Stay tuned!

Monday, November 09, 2009

the beginning of the end...

When his closet was empty and his presence ensued closely behind, I knew it was over. I watched the neon numbers on my small alarm clock change in ascending order. And at that very moment... time stood completely still. I sat numb, delirious, raging inside was a storm. He had awakened it many times. But this was a category five. The levys had broken. No one had any clue this storm would unleash such a terrrible, terrible thing.
Shortly after this hell had been allowed to enter this realm...

She could feel spiked feathers rise along the small of her back, razor sharp, up to the nape of her neck and sprout out along her arms. Long, thick, and shiny talons grew from her fingertips. A desperately insane gaze peered from behind her sepia colored eyes as they turned fire red. Across her lips sprang a wicked and evil smile. She arose from her thirteen year slumber... A beautiful, immoral, wrathful black angel...
Her only obsession... to inflict pain on those who hurt her...


For once in her life she felt strong... invinceable... powerful. She stood with her wings stretched wide prepared to take her maiden flight... She wanted to smell the piercing smell of blood and fear. She wanted retribution for her years of agony. It was time for her wrath to be let loose on the world free from scrutiny. She could taste it. She could smell it near.

The moon shone bright high in the dark omnipotent sky. It glowed silently warning others of this hell bent creature who had found its way into this universe. Vengeful and ravenous was her heart. No man would be prepared for her coming. Nothing could calm the rage now. It was too late. She was cold with a presence that rivaled the deepest darkest night storm. Her revenge would soon be visited on he who decieved, used, controlled, and abused her.

Nothing more came into her mind as she glided through the air flapping her magnificent black wings, propelling her closer to her destination. A thick cloud of forshadowed doom gathered at her feet as she landed before the residence of her adversary. Voices could be heard within. Laughter and pleasantries floating through the air pierced her ears until trickles of blood spillled down her neck. Her anger brewed until it filled her with a ferocity out of control. Slowly she walked closer and the closer she came the more furious she became. Her breath turned into heated steam. Her eyes poured tears of acid rain that burned the concrete as they hit the sidewalk. Inside... She would do the unholiest of deeds.

"Why do you play so much?", Sandra said as she proplled a pillow and Adams head. "What? I just asked you a simple question.", Adam explained, dodging her aim. "Things will have to change around here if I'm gonna be around more. I like my shirts to be hanged neatly so I'll need my own closet. If you move your junk in that hall closet into the one in the garage, I can put my things in there without having to squeeze them into your closet. Your clothes all smell like perfume. You know I hate perfume on my clothes."
"I don't want my christmas decorations out in the garage they are heirlooms. Now dont come in here thinking you can just push my stuff out of the house." she exclaimed. Adam stared at her with a look that made her heart melt and she leaned in for a long soft kiss. "Mmmm Adam. Baby you know my weak spots, don't you?" she asked with a lustful look on her face.

Just as they began to hold one another close, a strong wind gust rushed against the front door causing it to open suddenly with a loud clammer. The thick cloud cover came first. They both sat there stupified, coughing and trying to access the situation when a dark shapely figure materialized before them.

All that could be recognized was the outline of wings and two glowing eyes. "Who is there?", Adam commanded squinting to gain visibility to the intruder standing in the doorway. He manuevered in front of Sandra and pushed her farther behind hima as he staggered slowly backward to the hall. She... said nothing. She sauntered toward him. She could feel her heart beating harder and faster in her chest. Her blood boiled and raced though her searing her veins. Her wings sprang out as she came into the light to reveal her presence. Adam's mouth flapped open and his eyes grew wide as he realised this impressive, yet hellified being was his ex-wife. Stunned, he stood watching as she lunged forward and thrashed him across his neck and chest. Her sharp talons tore into his flesh with precision. Blood poured out and spilled across the floor. Sandra began to screach loudly. Her loud shrills angered the magnificent creature so she severed Sandra's feet from her legs and she fell to the floor and bled profusely. Soon Sandra lay limp beside her counterpart. She watched in horror as her man was dissected. "W-why are you doing thiss?", she uttered. The hell bent woman stood erect and announced, "I am who he left behind. I arose from his deception and cruelty. I exist to seek revenge. I am Harlick. Angel of Wrath. Your death will mark the beginning of my rein of terror."

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I awoke the next day with this emense headache. My neck and back sore and my eyes were red. I stumbled into the bathroom as little Adam whizzed past me announcing he was in a tight. "Boy hurry up mamma can't hold hers much either!", I exclaimed. "Mom, I can't find my blue shirt. I put it in the hamper yesterday and its not washed.", Allison said. She was always so convincing when she spoke. Something she inherited from her father.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

i find you inside...

beneath my caramel skin... kissed with perfection... under the oasis of love... down inside of my soul... deep within... there you lay... betrothing my joys to my sorrows with a whisp of heaven from your vocal chords... melodies twirl and wrap around my mind still vulnerable from you occupying its treasured memories... i relive my childhood and future instantaniously... bringing forth tears and gladness at the realization that i have you with me... as i listen and understand... i feel you inside...

you make me wanna...

my eyes meet yours and in an instant i melt... i lose control and resurface in your dreams... i become an angel of passion... succumbing to your every wish... unveiling your every desire... i am under a spell... controlled by your lips, arms, eyes, scent, touch, and voice... my body moves in sinc with your lust-filled command... as we lay ravished by a lifetime of unendung love-making... sweat-soaked sheets and limp bodies... we awake in a haze... weak and thirsty... one look at you... one glance... you make me wanna do it over and over again...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

...::eyes to the ceiling::...

at 4 a.m. life seems to come full circle... and of all the people to stroll through my mind comes you... with your sexy brown skin and hipnotic eyes... soon i'm wrapped in a cloud of regret... i never should have let you leave me twisted... never should have put so much trust in you... too much like right to see the truth... still more than ever i miss your smile... your voice... your scent... the way your eyebrows crinkle when you're in deep thought... the love we made on those cold winter nights... the more i drift deeper in thought... the more i realize what i really miss is the love that i felt... the more i realize i can never get that back... and it's a damn shame i still wear your ring... and still live in the same space as you... i'm still missing you... the dark sky has turned to morning... as i lay here reminiscing...staring into space... with my eyes to the ceiling...

Saturday, September 09, 2006


the begining of things...

the ending's reflection...

from my heart to your's...

we remain the same...

though time's made variations of we...

the world can't change our heartbeat's rythym...

distance placed nothing more than a time difference...

memories remain...

nothing can break love given to one of the same...

misty eyes give rise as i cry your tears...

blood lets from my heart when yours break in unison...

what better love to have than the love for one's self...

and loving me is loving you...

my reflection...

my half...

part of me...

2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11.

On September 11, 2006, 2,996 volunteer bloggers
will join together for a tribute to the victims of 9/11.
Each person will pay tribute to a single victim.

We will honor them by remembering their lives,
and not by remembering their murderers

visit: http://www.dcroe.com/2996/?page_id=4

<--~...::*Love Me Right*::...~-->

keep me warm with your kiss... tell me lies and sweet nothings... make me cry and long for your touch... indulge in my pride and selfrighteousness... lust for my dignity... accost my senses... ingest my woman hood... free my body... celebrate me with seduction... satisfy my nature... entrance my mind... blind my vanity... fullfill my wants and sexual needs... revive my spirit... free my soul... never taking the time... to love me right...

Friday, September 08, 2006

*~...::Little Girls::...~*

it was summer... but all great stories begin that way... this was is no different... just slow to speak... slow to come... slow to leave... this is the story of four little girls and the turning point of life...

my heart recalls very well the details of that day... it was hot and dry... a great day for a family cookout... daddy had picked us up that weekend to spend quality time.. so many times before he had broken his promise... but to young minds this man was gold... how careless he had been... how unkind... how selfish... but never in thier eyes... never in thier hearts... today was a good day... he had come... they were glad... he saved the day as mother waved goodbye... with remorse in her heavy laiden heart... she would no longer have this burden to bear... but her children would... her small fragile girls... but today was a good day...

we spent the day with daddy... we played and there was not a care in the world... nothing could bring us down... a weekend getaway from our dull lives of poverty... how nieve we were... we played happily with our sister's things... things he bought her... what about our happiness... our things... our love... but time would tell... as day slipped into night... the grill flared and smoked... we swam in the pool and cooled while he prepared our meal... a cool breeze blew between the trees down by the man-made oasis in the backyard... over the bridge made to cross the koy-pond... we watched as our senses were tingled and teased by the smell of chicken being seared and smoked under the red grill hood... daddy was handsome and he gave me a smooth grin as he explained why his Q was better than the rest... after dinner we fell asleep silently... fullfilled and satisfied from hunger... physical and spiritual...

the next day we awake to get dressed for church... the smell of pancakes and sausages filled the air... we piled into dad's bronco... he drove fast to make morning devotion... we held on tight as whoas and squeals came from the back seat... we were more fascinated than scared... we were ushered into service and soon noticed dad was not there... probably outside taking a smoke... something he knew i did not agree with... i thought to myself i would remember to throw the renegade pack away after we returned to daddy's house... soon service ended and we left church with out daddy... not a word was said on the drive back... my step-mother fed us dinner and put us to bed... still silent we lay... not knowing what we would soon find out... in the middle of the floor we all lay still... listening to the radio playing immature's "sweetest love"... the door creaked back open and an explaination soon followed... our little minds whirled and hearts broke... she explained how daddy was not superman... he was an imperfect human... lost in the maze of drugs sent to destroy all who fell into its trap... he was a walking plague... a slave of poison... to alittle girl's heart... it was too much... the night was long and painful... and silent...

the next day we awake... packed our belongings... and said goodbye to our dream... to our vision of a perfect getaway... to our hero... with solemn faces we greated our mother... that day our mother eased our minds as only she could... but it would never be enough to erse the pain inflicted on our tiny hearts and minds... even as a grown woman that night never leaves my mind... it's still fresh in my memory... i still feel the cool breeze... hear the laughter... smell the bbQ smoke...

but what about the title... what does it mean... many things... why did my step-mother tear out my small soul that day... so many questions... but all great stories end that way... slow to speak... slow to come... slow to leave... i will never forget that weekend... i will never forget what it meant... the wounds inflicted on a little girl's life... i will never forget... the feelings... the visions... the sounds... the smell of bbQ smoke...